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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Painting Pink for An Evening In Paris Breast Cancer Event

Welcome.  I am so happy that you stopped by.  Please join me in my studio and sit and relax for a few minutes while I share with you some of the pink art I am painting to donate to the Evening in Paris event at Paris In A Cup to help in the fight against breast cancer.  

Paris In A Cup is a charming and delightful tea salon and boutique located in Old Towne Orange, California.  Owner, Cheryl Turner is a breast cancer survivor and has dedicated herself "a solider in the battle against this terrible disease". Cheryl and her staff  joined forces again this year  with Team Think Pink in the fight against breast cancer and the Evening in Paris marks the anniversary of their 5th year.   To join in the fight (fun) on Friday October 4th from 4:30 PM to 8:00 M call 714  538-9411 or visit the Evening In Paris link to purchase your dog tag (ticket) for a $10.00 donation at www.parisinacup.com  Your donation to Team Think Pink lets you join  the fun for an evening of shopping, purchasing fabulous original art,  nibbling on delightful French food, networking, door prizes and fund raising.

If you are unable to attend the event I encourage you to visit Paris In a Cup next time you are in Orange County for a taste of Paris.   Tea is served in the grand salon with a French flair and their gift market and boutique sells gourmet teas, chocolates and real French macaroons and delicacies, as well as beautiful jewelry, accessories and fragrances.  Oh la la - what a fun and fabulous jewel of a salon!

 I am honored to again donate art to the event  for door prizes and especially honored to join forces in the battle to end breast cancer with W.H.O.A - Women Helping One Another www.whoadesigns.com  W.H.O.A. will be selling original art at the event with 100% of the proceeds going to  Team Think Pink - www.teamthinkpink.com  Original art has been donated by fabulous artists from around the world and will also be available to purchase on line during the month of October for those unable to attend the event.

I am a very thankful  eleven year breast cancer survivor and each year for the month of October - Breast Cancer Awareness Month I put on my "Pink Warrior Boots" and join the battle against breast cancer by using my art as my arsenal to help raise money for the cause and win the battle. I even drink my morning tea out of a pink tea cup!

The color pink is the color of choice in my studio as I paint for the cause and my art is my weapon of choice in the battle. Bentley, My Studio Assistant, is helping out in the studio.

I painted the pink warrior boots to honor all of the brave cancer survivors who are helping other women diagnosed with breast cancer and joining forces to help raise money for the cause.  It has been donated to An Evening In Paris as well as the painting of pink Hydrangeas..

During the month of October I will be donating 100% of the sales from any pink painting in my ETSY shop to Think Team Pink -www.mypaintedgarden.etsy.com I  will be adding new pink items during the month of October.

Team Think Pink www.teamthinkpink.com

Thank you for visiting.  I sincerely appreciate your visits, e-mails, comments and those who follow my blog.

Have a lovely week.  Blessings,   Erin

                               Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts."  Colossians  3:15


Terra said...

That is a wonderful event and I like your boots and flowers, it is very meaningful. Also the pink bicycle.

Jenelle Van de Mortel said...

What a beautiful blogpost!! Love all the pink. The fact that you are an 11 year Breast Cancer Survivor is so powerful!

Can't wait to see your artwork on display at the W.H.O.A. table tomorrow night--you have such a generous heart and spirit, Erin--your paintings exude happiness:)

Thank you so much for all that you do for W.H.O.A. -your constantly inspire me and set a wonderful example for all of us:) See you tomorrow night at Paris in a cup!!
Blessings & Hugs,

Art and Sand said...

I love Old Towne Orange. I have been for tea there on two different occasions, but I don't remember the names of the Tea Shoppes.

Jeanie said...

Everything about this is pretty fabulous -- the painting, the idea behind it, everything. It's lovely!

Kathryn said...

Wonderful in all ways, Erin! Congrats on being part of this. Love the tea place!