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Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Favorite Fall Garden Places

Welcome.  I am so happy that you stopped by. I am re-posting one of my most popular Fall posts .My garden gate is always open for you to come in and sit and relax for a few minutes with a cup of hot apple spice tea while I share with you some of my favorite Fall garden spaces.  We have finally settled into beautiful Fall weather in Southern California after a severe heat wave and are enjoying glorious blue skies and nippy evenings. We are also expecting much needed rain later this week.

"Art in the Kitchen"  - another one of the little paintings I taught at Sherman Gardens "art in the garden" series.

Let's have our tea in the kitchen and then  join Bentley, my helpful Studio Assistant, in the garden where he is waiting to show you around. I use the old vintage wagon to keep small pumpkins and pots of Mums in for  guests pick up a few to take home with them - we call it our "welcome wagon".

Every year I decorate a vintage ladder with Mums and pumpkins.

The vintage metal cart is decorated each season with something new - this year I used pumpkins.

                                         This is one of my favorite corners for tea. Blossom faithfully keeps watch over the garden.

Love how the blue furniture looks in the Fall with oranges and yellows.

                                    This is another favorite spot where I like to sit and sketch.

                              Another cozy spot to sit and work in my watercolor journal.

We support our local farmers by buying lots of pumpkins at the beginning of the season and either share them with friends in our "welcome wagon" or donate them to our local soup kitchen to make pumpkin pies that will be served at the community Thanksgiving dinner for those in need of a meal.

One of my favorite containers for Fall bouquets - an old rusty funnel with a glass inside to hold flowers.
I love using seasonal signs to create little vignettes and  add interest and

A little " art in the garden".  My class at Sherman Library and Gardens painted this little pumpkin.

                                         Another favorite place to have morning tea.

It is starting to sprinkle so I will stop our tour and finish it after the rain.

Thank you for stopping by  I sincerely appreciate your visits, comments, e- mails and prayers for my continued recovery from a re-occurring auto immune issue. 

Have a lovely week.  Blessings,  Erin  I saw this quote on FaceBook and loved it so much I wanted to share it with you.          "Lord, let them see you in me."        

                   "With God are wisdom and strength, he has counsel and understanding." Job 12:13