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Saturday, November 26, 2016

Christmas Traditions / Garden Gifts

Welcome. I am so happy that you stopped by.  My garden gate is always open for you to  come in and sit and relax for a few minutes with a cup of tea and a piece of  gingerbread.  An old Irish family tradition in our family is to make gingerbread on the day after Thanksgiving and serve it with tea as our way of kicking off the up coming Christmas season.

Let's join Bentley, my Studio Assistant, in the garden to share with you a few things we are growing for gifts.

We usually start in the garden where various plants and Poinsettias are planted to add holiday color and are also used for gift giving to gardener friends and we grow herbs to give to our friends who like to cook.
Ivy makes a wonderful gift - the addition of a red bow to a hand painted watering can makes an adorable festive gift with a few vintage garden tools.

Paper Whites are a favorite among gardeners.



Herbs are a welcome gift to friends who love to cook.

Ivy and Poinsettias in  decorative containers are always fun gifts.

Thank you for stopping by.  I sincerely appreciate your visits, comments, e-mails and those following my blog.

Have a lovely week.  Blessings, Erin

 "The Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy your needs in parched places .. and you shall be like a watered garden . . whose waters never fail. " Isaiah 58:11

Monday, November 7, 2016

Art In the Garden Series

Welcome.  I am so happy that you stopped by.  Today you are invited to leave my garden and take a little field trip with me to the beautiful botanical gardens at Sherman Library and Gardens for a little review and repost of the classes I taught this year as part of their Art in The Garden series.

The Art in the Garden series is based on art lessons in the garden featuring  seasonal flowers in bloom in the garden. 

The setting for the classes is beautiful and so inspirational.  The classes are for all levels of painters and non painters and we paint a single flower bloom on a small 4x4 canvas that is manageable for everyone taking the classes.

The gardens are tended by over 100 volunteers and staff.

The garden features 2 1/2 acres of shaded walkways, native California plants and flowers, fountains. turtle pond, green house, bog. library, tea garden, seasonal flowers and a fabulous cafe featuring French cuisine pared with California wines and seasonal fruits and vegetables - some are grown in the garden.

The art classes are held in this beautiful area.

Or here under the ancient pepper tree.

So far this year we painted Pansies and book marks,

Fuchsias and book marks,


The Dahlia paint palette was so pretty I hated to throw it away so I saved it to use for wrapping paper.


Pumpkins and Sunflowers for Fall,

And for Christmas we are painting a Poinsettia on a gift box and whimsical gift tags.

Thank you for stopping by. I sincerely appreciate your visits, e-mails and comments and those who follow my blog.  Once my classes are completed I plan to get back to blogging weekly.

Have a lovely week. Blessings,  Erin

                                             "Therefore I tell you, do not worry."  Matthew 6:25