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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Mums and Pumpkins

Welcome. I am so happy that you stopped by. My garden gate is always open for you to come in and sit and relax and enjoy a cup of tea while I share the inspirations behind my paintings with you. I am participating with Pink Saturday 's Autumn post this week and would love to share with you pumpkin and Mum inspirations for an Autumn Welcome sign I am painting for a friend.

We are having beautiful Fall weather in Southern California - cool nights and glorious warm and sunny days with a hint of Autumn in the air. Let's join Bentley, my Studio Assistant, in the garden for Spiced Apple tea and look for pumpkins and Mums to paint.

Bentley is already busy looking Here . . There . . . Everywhere.

Finding inspiration . . . .

Mums waiting to be planted.

I love this pumpkin planter as it can be used from year to year.

Butterfly and bird garden ornaments add a touch of color and whimsy to the garden.
"In the day you will make your plant to grow, and in the morning you will
make your seed to flourish" Isaiah 17:11

Fall herbs planted in a little blue pot.

I love the white pumpkins purchased at the local Farmer's Market. We support our local farmers as often as we can.

Here . . . . There . . . .

Everywhere . . . . .

Mums, pumpkins and my vintage bicycle were the inspirations for my painting.

Please visit all of the fabulous blogs at www.howsweetthesound.typepad.com participating in the special Autumn Pink Saturday posts and final posts celebrating October Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Thank you for stopping by. I love hearing from you and sincerely appreciate your visits, comments and those who follow my blog. Please let me know if you have any questions or would like to see me paint something special.

Have a lovely week and enjoy Autumn. Blessings, Erin

Friday, October 8, 2010

Fall Pears and Sunflowers

Welcome. I am so happy that you stopped by. My front door is always open to invite you in to sit and relax with a cup of tea while I share with you the inspirations behind my paintings.

Bentley, my Studio Assistant, is waiting for you to bring you into our kitchen to show you inspirations for a painting with a Country French look.

My door is always open for you to come in.

I am often inspired by my everyday surroundings - Fall fruit from the Farmers Market - an old French enamel pitcher with fresh Sunflowers sitting on the kitchen table.

Finding inspiration . . . . .

" No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine". John 15:7

Here . . . .

One of my friends has a Country French kitchen with lots of red an white check and yellow accents. She fell in love with the enamel pitcher with Sunflowers and bowl of pears and wanted me to paint her a small painting for her kitchen using the pitcher and pairs and red and white check table cloth. She loves the loose French Impressionist style and that was the inspiration for the little painting that I painted.

There . .. . Everywhere . . . . .

The completed painting.

Thank you for stopping by. I love hearing from you and sincerely appreciate your visits, comments and those who follow my blog. Please let me know if you have any questions or would like to see me paint something special.

Have a lovely week. Blessings, Erin