Bentley, my Studio Assistant, is waiting to show you some of our new "water-wise" plants and ways that we are adding color to the garden and at the same time helping us continue to reduce our water consumption by 35% by saving household water and using "grey" water from the shower and kitchen to water the container plants.
My garden and home are inspirations for many of my paintings with primary colors. Since we are in the midst of the worst drought in California history I am always looking for ways to add color in the garden without adding necessary watering and the red and white strip umbrella added a much needed pop of color.
The addition of colorful pillows also add much needed color.
Birdhouses, a vintage wooden flag and a few pots of "water-wise" flowers add summer pops of color to the kitchen patio - by using drought tolerant plants that do not need much water we are able to save our precious water to water the pots of herbs used for cooking.
The rusty blue watering can adds a pop of color to the pots of drought friendly Geraniums.
We are allowed to water twice a week with timed watering and the Geraniums and "water wise " plants are doing great with twice weekly watering and our "grey" water additions. By now about 98% of the containers in my side garden are drought tolerant. Since we only have so much water we decided to focus on the side garden where we spend the most time. The grass, Roses, and Inpatients in the front yard are not doing well with limited water and the Roses and Inpatients are fading and grass is starting to turn brown. The positive side is our small space side garden is thriving.
I like to plant the Martha Washington variety Geranium as they like to spread and do well with twice a week watering and trail so nicely from the vintage bicycle basket.
Most of the flowers are in containers so I can move them around for inspiration for a painting. All flowers in this photo are "water wise" - Geraniums, Rudbeckia, Lantana and Salvia.
By changing the colors and pots I can create a different look to paint - this time I added the pink Echinacea and white Pentas - all "water-wise".
Adding a pot of Echinacea to the vintage blue box is a simple way to add "water-wise" color to the garden.
All are "water-wise" container flowers in the photos below.
Yellow Rudbeckia adds a bright pop of color and meet our twice a week watering goal.
The Rudbeckia blooms remind me of small Sunflowers and I like to use them in a petit garden painting to brighten a grouping of Succulents.
The addition of my small paintings on canvas or wood blocks throughout the garden next to drought tolerant potted plants, birdhouses, etc. add color and a touch of whimsy and do not need water!
Different varieties of Geraniums do very well in pots as well as planted in the ground.
I am also starting to plant Succulents . Using them in combination with vintage birdhouses, colorful pots, boxes and small paintings on wood are a simple way to add pops of color to these water-wise plants.
Thank you for stopping by. I sincerely appreciate you visits, e-mails, comments and those of you following my blog. I will be on a mini blog break for two weeks getting some paintings ready for the "Postcards From Europe" art show at the Showcase Gallery.
Have a lovely week. Blessings, Erin
" For we walk by faith, not by sight." Corinthians 5:7