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Sunday, February 21, 2016

Painting Early Spring in my Studio

Welcome.  I am so happy that you stopped by. It  seems like ages since I posted and visited with you.  I have been super busy painting early Spring flowers and getting ready to re-open my little ETSY shop as well as preparing to teach art  classes in the garden at the beautiful Sherman Library and Gardens - www.slgardens.org.  Please come into my studio and sit and relax for a few minutes with a cup of hot tea.  Bentley, my Studio Assistant, is waiting to show you what I have been up to.

I have been inspired by the beautiful early Spring flowers at the Farmers 
markets - especially the Tulips and Sunflowers.

I collect vintage turquoise Ball jars and love using them in my paintings as well as using the color in my Spring art.

This photo was taken of my paint palette at the end of the day that shows all of the colors I used in my paintings. 
Thank you for stopping by.  I sincerely appreciate your visits, e-mails, comments and those of you who follow my blog.  

Have a lovely week.  Blessings,  Erin

                                            "Let your good spirit lead me on  level path." Psalm  143:10

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Panting Pansies In My Studio

Welcome.  I am so happy that you stopped by.  We have been having much needed rain and cold weather and it has been to cold to enjoy the Winter Pansies blooming  in our garden.  I brought some inside to my studio to paint and you are invited to come to the studio with me to sit and relax for a few minutes with a cup of hot tea. Bentley, my Studio Assistant,  is waiting to show you around.

Thank you for stopping by.  I sincerely appreciate your visits, e-mails, comments and those of you following my blog.  

Have a lovely week.  Blessings,  Erin

"For we walk by faith, not by sight."  Corinthians 5:7