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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Geraniums Here- There - Everywhere

Welcome. I am so happy that you stopped by. My door is always open for you to come in, sit in the garden, relax and enjoy a cup of tea (if it is not too hot for tea in your area) My geraniums are on their second bloom and are blooming in the Southern California sunshine.
We have very little rain this time of year which allows me to display some of my art in the garden. I like to call it "Art In The Garden".
Pour yourself a cup of mint tea and sit in the morning shade.

"Art in the Garden"

Looks like Bentley my Studio Assistant prefers to stay in doors to enjoy the geraniums.

On of my favorite photos of Bentley that I wanted to share again with you.

Sit in the shade and enjoy the garden.
Another one of my favorite ways to display geraniums this time of the year.

More "Art In The Garden" on display among the geraniums.

Thank you for stopping by. I love hearing from you and sincerely appreciate your visits, comments, and those who follow my blog. Please let me know if you have any questions or would like to see me paint something special.

I will be on a Summer blog break for next several weeks and look forward to seeing you when I return. We will paint those pink roses I mentioned and have a lesson on painting a birdhouse Welcome sign.
Blessings, Erin

Have a lovely week. Blessings, Erin


Donna said...

Hi, Erin,
I love to visit your garden. Each picture is more lovely than the one before. I am a "red" person, and I love your style. Thanks for sharing.

Nana's Fun Stuff said...

Erin, I could so sit and visit in your garden. It is absolutely beautiful!! I love red so much also. Have a great day Sweetie!

Donna said...

Hi Erin,
You have a beautiful garden. I love all the bright red geraniums, and your art looks wonderful the way you've displayed it.
I love the photo of Bentley! So cute!


Ruth Welter said...

Hi Erin, ow, Geraniums are really my favorite summer annual, so colorful and hardy. They do really well in my area in the bright sun. Enjoy yours.


bj said...

Geraniums are, by far, my favorite flowering plant. Just love them. I have one that is really "strutting it's stuff" this year. So full, big and pretty.

All yours look magnificent in your pretty garden.

Have a wonderful break..
xo bj

Stacey said...

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! Your images always make me happy.

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Love your geraniums! They are my favorite flower...very Tuscan or French! Have a wonderful blog break...

Did I miss the rooster painting lesson?

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Beautiful! I love the bursts of color! Enjoy the rest of this glorious summer! ♥

Robin@DecoratingTennisGirl said...

Your garden is just beautiful! I love geraniums and yours are wonderful!

Createology said...

I feel so refreshed after visiting your beautiful blog and garden. Bentley is just precious. Have a wonderful blog break. Looking forward to your return...

Maria said...

Enjoy your rest! I can't wait to see new pictures of your art and garden when you return. I just got back from Alaska and the 21 hours of daylight makes for amazing flowers - especially the hanging baskets! Maria - Torrance, CA.

Tales From My Empty Nest said...

Enjoy your blog break. Your paintings are so gorgeous!!! Love your colorful paintings. So pretty. Love & blessings from NC!

Becca said...

Beautiful garden photos, and I always love to see Bentley! Your paintings are so lovely!

Andi's English Attic said...

What a bright, happy, summery post. It made me feel good.
btw - do you think dogs appreciate the scent of flowers? Or is it something they dismiss as nothing to eat/no one I love/not another dog ? xx

Susan Freeman said...

Hi Erin! I love visiting your blog and look forward to being able to meet you in person one day! My Bentley will just adore your Bentley!! Your geraniums are lovely and all of your accessories are charming. Enjoy your blogging break and I'll be here when you return!!

Susan and Bentley

Anonymous said...

Erin, one of my favorite flowers too! Downtown in the town's planters they're looking gorgeous!

GwendolynKay said...

What charming and delightful hydrangea pictures. Love your pup too.

The Country Nest said...

Thanks for letting me visit your garden, it looks wonderful and I so enjoy your paintings. That Bently is a real charmer.

Maura @ Kisiwa Creek Photography said...

Hi Erin,
I'm late so you're probably already off on your vacation. I LOVE geraniums and every winter I tell myself I'm going to have all kinds of red geraniums all over the place. When spring comes I end up with pink! Penny mentioned a rooster painting lesson...I don't remember you having one so I hope I didn't miss it. I'm really looking forward to your next painting lesson. The photo of your pup looks like he's smelling the flowers..he's so cute. I'll be watching for you when you get back. Take care. Maura :)

Sammy said...

I love your post about your garden. It is so happy and stylish. I invite you to visit my blog, and I hope you like it as much as I like your garden.



*Ulrike* said...

If there is one thing I love Erin thats geraniums. They come in so many colors, but the red ones always make the showy display. Just beautiful Erin!!