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Thursday, October 16, 2014

Join Me for My Fall Garden Tour

Welcome.  I am so happy that you stopped by.  You are invited to come into my garden and have a cup of apple spice tea and stroll around my garden for a little fall garden tour.

Bentley,  My Garden Assistant,  is waiting to show you around.

The side garden is narrow and divided up into rooms.  As you open the gate you walk into the "English Cottage" room with pea gravel and old iron furniture. I use mirrors to add reflection and make the garden appear bigger than it is.  The pillows change frequently - I use anything with yellows, red, gold and oranges in the fall.

This is a bright corner to paint!

My side garden is long and narrow and I like to add vertical touches using an old vintage ladder.

I bought this green shelf years ago at a flea market during the rain and paid $5.00 for it as the vendor did not want to pack it back up in the rain!

I am constantly relocating the signs and the old red wagon and it is used for many things.

Love using my vintage watering cans to display fall colors.

                           The scarecrow and scarecrone act as autumn greeters in the "English Cottage" garden as you approach the red front door.

The red front door overlooks the seating area.

I use old worn rugs in the garden to add a little warmth during the fall months - most of my pillows are indoor/outdoor fabric and stay out year round. 

The blue table and chairs are at the back of the garden - for some reason the blue that I had custom mixed  does not photograph very well.

Another mirror reflects the length of the garden.

Old rag rugs add color and warmth during the autumn months.

The little potting table is "where it all happens" and where I store pots and fertilizer for the container plants.

Old wooden boxes make charming planters - I put plastic in the bottom and place small pots directly into the box.  

I bought the adorable china boot at our local garden shop - it was marked down to $5.00

I am always on the look out for old zink and galvanized metal containers to use as planters.

My kitchen patio gets  lots of morning sun and is a lovely space to have tea.  I grow herbs and vegetables in pots in this area.

I am a "flea market junkie" and love finding old vintage finds to place around the garden - I can't resist birdhouses and watering cans!

Thank you for stopping by.  I love hearing from you and sincerely appreciate your visits, e--mails, comments and those who follow my blog.  I am going to take a little blog break to work on some coastal cottage paintings and will be back in a few weeks.

Have a lovely week.  Blessings, Erin

" Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours."  Mark  11:24


Nancy Happily said...

Enjoy the time painting the coastal cottages. You'll be missed! I so enjoy & look forward to your garden tours, seeing Bentley. Especially the new paintings you cleverly have displayed through out your garden.

Rhondi said...

Erin. I love your garden. Everything is so colorful and cheerful and the cozy little rooms you have made just make me want to come and sit for awhile and enjoy a cup of tea with you. I hope you enjoy painting while you take a break.

Susan said...

Oh my GOODNESS, Erin. Everything looks so adorable. What color! What design! What loveliness! Great job. Susan p.s.Especially love the mirror in the garden and the colorful door.

Anonymous said...

Simply heaven.
Always a pleasure visiting with you, Erin.
I enjoy your beautiful home and garden so much that I save my visits for times when I'm not rushed in any way...and typically go through your posts twice. ;)
Thank you for the tour, Bentley.

Anonymous said...

Simply heaven.
Always a pleasure visiting with you, Erin.
I enjoy your beautiful home and garden so much that I save my visits for times when I'm not rushed in any way...and typically go through your posts twice. ;)
Thank you for the tour, Bentley.