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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Hyacinth Inspirations

Welcome.  I am so happy that you stopped by.  My garden gate is always open for you to come in and sit and relax with a cup of tea while I share with you the inspirations for my art.  We are having beautiful warm weather in Southern California.  Let's join my Studio Assistant, Bentley, in he garden to see what is growing.

Late last year I bought a bag containing 28 Hyacinths and decided to plant all 28 in various containers.

Hyacinths are very fragrant and in flower symbolism  represents constancy - the blue Hyacinth represents

I planted a few of the bulbs in old mason jars using little stones instead of soil and also used various containers for interest. . . and also because I did not have 28 pots!!! AND - I did not hoard all 28 bulbs- I shared them with my friends and neighbors.

The bulbs came up in pink and blue and were all shapes and sizes and  I was very happy with the colors.

Sharing one of my garden painting with a potted pink Hyacinth.

Thank you for stopping by.  I love hearing from you and sincerely appreciate your visits, comments,
e-mails, and those who follow my blog.  Please let me know if you have any questions or would like to see me paint something special.

Have a lovely week.  Blessings, Erin

"The earth produces of itself, first the stalk, then the head, then the fulll grain in the head." Mark 4:28


Twinkle Terrior said...

Your blog is so delightful and fun and makes me smile every time i stop by! God bless you and Bentley and the whole family oxo

Terra said...

Oh those hyacinths are beauties and how rich you must feel to have 28 new hyacinths. I always feel rich when I see my beautiful garden plants.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I always love seeing your garden paintings! This one is so vibrant with different colors! Hugs! ♥

My Cozy Casita said...

Hi, your hyacinth inspirations are so beautiful
Im love with Bently he is so cute

Irene said...

Love your garden blog and paintings.

Vicki Boster said...

Oh Erin- your hyacinths are so lovely. For me they are the perfect spring flower- their sweet smell is so beautifully fragrant. I especially love the ones planted in the jars!

Your newest painting is truly stunning-- I love how each post shows your inspirations for the paintings.

Hugs to you and Bentley--

Sunny Simple Life said...

Those are just gorgeous. I love them in the old jars. Never thought of that.

Donna said...

Hi, Erin,
I have been perusing your blog again checking out posts I have missed. I enjoy your blog so much. It's so colorful and happy.

Julie Whitmore Pottery said...


Oh I love your hyacinths! I can just smell them now. I just got back from an herb shop and there were no bulbs, I am going on a bulb hunt next week. Love your blog