Now it is raining and cold in Southern California and we need to bring the Sunflowers inside. Let's join Bentley, my Studio Assistant and go inside.
My kitchen has lots of light and is one of my favorite places to paint inside. I picked the last of the Blue Saliva, put the Sunflowers in a blue and white vase and added some red Roses and one of my vintage tablecloths to the new setup. The previous painting had a pot of ivy and two pears that I decided to paint out.
Finding inspiration . . . . .
Here . . . . .
There . . . .
Everywhere . . . .
The completed painting.
Since so many of y0u ask to see where the paintings end up in my home I took a photo of the room where it ended up. The room has some vintage white wicker furniture and red toile, red check and red stripe with old Ralph Lauren florals.
"Proverbs 15:0.
Thank you for stopping by. I love hearing from you and sincerely appreciate your visits, comments, e-mails and those of you who follow my blog. Now that we are moving into the Holiday season I will be busy painting Christmas paintings for a fundraiser for one of our local charities and will share them with you. Since we painted Snowmen and Snow ladies together the past several years - I am thinking that we can paint a simple Gingerbread Man of Lady together.
Thank you for all of your e-mails and comments about the fact that I can not leave any of you comments - I have tried everything that you suggested and so far nothing works for me - when I click on preview the comment I wrote disappears and shows "anonymous." I will keep on trying as I miss not being able to leaveyou a comment.
Have a lovely week. Blessings, Erin
How lovely your painting of sunflowers is and how beautiful its looks on the wall. A very bright colorfull painting reminding you the glorious summer.
I am looking forward for your little winter paintings :o)
Happy painting.
Helene aka Hoghart
P.S. I am sorry that you cannot leave comments on other blogs.
We all have encountered this kind of problems and we all know how tiresome Blogger can be.
Did you try Chrome or Firefox to connect you ?
It is known that Internet explorer has some bugs with Blogger.
I just love your paintings, they always cheer me up. Hugs, LJ
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