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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Spring Yellow

Welcome. I am so happy that you stopped by. My Garden gate is always open for you to come in and sit and relax with a cup of tea while I share with you the inspirations for my art. Nothing says Spring more to me in the garden than the color yellow - the happy - sunny yellow faces of Daffodils always make me smile. We had a wild Spring storm over the weekend here in Southern California with high winds and hail. I decided not to leave the Daffodils outside so they would not be damaged by the wind and hail.

Bentley, my helpful Studio Assistant, was in the garden when the hail storm hit. He was not sure what to think of it and ran into the house to hide in his favorite spot on the stair landing. Needless to say he will not be escorting you into the garden to look for inspiration.

Daffodils before the rain storm.

I love the colors of yellow and purple side by side.
Now that the Daffodils are inside I have lots in arrangements around my house.

Here . . . .

There . . . .
Everywhere . . . . .

" You care for the land and water it; you enrich it abundantly." Psalm 65:9

I did not have time to paint something new this week, however, I do have a painting with Daffodils that I painted last year to share with you.

Thank you for stopping by. I love hearing from you and sincerely appreciate your visits, comments, e-mails, and those who follow my blog. Please let me know if you have any questions or would like to see me pain something special.

Have a lovely week. Blessings, Erin


The Green Pea said...

The flowers are beautiful. Bentley is just adorable! What a sweet friend you have. samdo

Unknown said...

I love Bentley! And your paintings! Thanks ever so much! 8>)

GardenOfDaisies said...

Your daffodils are so pretty! Those little itty-bitty ones are really sweet! Glad you were able to cut hem and get them inside before the storm hit. I don't blame Bentley for running lickety-split into the house. Storms can be scary for little guys! Your paintings are so lovely. Can't help but smile.

ShirleyC said...

There is just nothing prettier than daffodils - IMHO!
They bloom earlier here, but we had one lone daffodil blooming the other day. I wish they lasted longer.

Susan said...

Hello! Your paintings are so delightful. They cheered me up just looking at all the splashes of color! You are SO TALENTED! Susan

painting techniques said...

The flowers and the dog are admirable! This is a great site! As you have or haven't known I have a painting blog. If you aren't doing anything you could drop by anytime. Thanks!

Joelle said...

So pretty and insiring, makes me want to start painting again.
Thanks Joelle

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

I love daffodils. They are so perky and sunny! Your paintings are fabulous...

Ruth Welter said...

Hi Erin, it doesn't matter that your painting is from last year, that does not detract from it's loveliness. Poor Bentley, I know my guys are very afraid of thunder storms so, I can relate.


Sonia said...

Oh so very pretty, daffodils, blue and white china and a fluffy puppy all just make me smile!

Miss Bloomers

Janice said...

Your paintings make me smile and feel so happy! So much color, flavor and talent! I really appreciate you sharing your garden, Bentley and your gift of painting with your blog readers.

Cindy said...

Your flowers are beautiful, your Bentley is so sweet and what a gorgeous painting! I love your style of painting. It's the nicest style I have ever seen, I think.
Hugs, Cindy

Vicki Boster said...

Erin- the daffodils are just lovely- their bright yellow faces are such a welcome sign of spring! Inguesscwevhave all been victim to the crazy spring weather- we've had our share of hail storms too!

Bentley looks so cute in his little hiding place~~

Anonymous said...

I joined your blog and I can't begin to tell you how happy I am to find you.I paint also and so love your style.i love color and so do you,, we even have dogs quite similar,, (although mine is in doggy heaven)your photos are beautiful,thankyou for sharing, I'm going cross eyed from reading so,, I'll be back,,, take care,, lauire