Bentley is already relaxing on this beautiful cool Spring day.
I shared with you a while back that I painted my house a darker shade of gray and wanted to add new touches of red to brighten the darker paint.
I found wonderful red garden boots on and liked them so much I decided to leave them on the front porch when I am not wearing them for a touch of color.
I found an American flag at Joanne's and love that it has a special plastic fitting over the wooden pole that keeps the flag from wrapping around itself.
Red cushions purchased at last year's end of season clearance
at Pottery Barn really helped to add spots of color.
Vintage red, white and blue pillows add another touch of color.
I display my paintings in the garden for a touch of color - I like to call this "Art In The Garden".
The Red Geraniums are called "Big Reds". The flowers are very large and remind me of the fabulous geraniums in the South of France.
The garden shelf is a treasurer I recently found when shopping at a flea market one day in the rain.
It makes a perfect place to hang "Art in The Garden.:
Crimson Mandevilla
Our recent rain really helped the newly planted Sun Parasol Crimson Mandevilla vine
get a great start.
I love all the red and funny thing is your blue planter on the back of the chair....I have it in red.
I added red pots, red umbrella, lots of geraniums last year. The are so pretty. I just love your garden.
Hello Erin! I love red and it looks wonderful with your new darker gray paint color. The geraniums are beautiful...they always remind me of my Nana from England..she loved them and African Violets. Have you ever painted lilacs? I'm sure you have at some point but I don't remember seeing any in your gallery. Forgive me if I'm wrong...I have a mind like a seive! Have a wonderful Friday....Maura
Oh Erin! You touches of red sing to my soul! I love geraniums.....can I come visit?
Your home is just lovely. I really like your shade of gray and then the pop of red and white is perfect. Bentley is very fond of the red too I can see. Lady Bugs are so sweet. Happy home...
This is just too darling for words. I love red geraniums and I use alot of the at the Cape house. I have that blue container you have hanging off the back of the chair in red. What a neat idea to hang from the chair!
I would love to walk through your garden it is just so charming! We are working hard to get our yard in I'm so ready for flowers!
Your garden is so pretty that I want to come visit. The red just pops out in a fun way, especially the red garden boots.
I love all your red. Red is my favorite color! I especially like the ladybugs! How fun your garden is!
Your touches of red here and there are really lovely.
Have a great weekend.
Amazingly beautiful! I don't think you could create a more lovely setting if you tried.
The touches of red with your gray look fantastic.
I have sample plugs of the same dipledenia and if my turn out like yours, I'll be very happy!
Enjoyed your garden tour.
Hi Erin,
I just love your beautiful cottage! Everything is so much how I like things, fabulous job! The pops of red are just superb, you have a great eye!
Hi, Erin,
It's 12:13, and I just finished going through your whole blog. I was reading a post by BJ tonight, and she linked to your blog because of a little "bicycle" sign you did for her. I was already a follwer of your blog, though.
I have to say that I just love ALL your stuff. Your posts are just filled with beautiful flowers and your decorating style is one I have wanted to achieve, but never quite have.
I think it's so nice of you to share some tips about how to paint. You have certainly inspired me to pick up my paint brush again.
Thanks again for such total enjoyment I had while visiting your blog.
D @
I am all about the RED this season.
Beautiful photos.
happy monday
Hi Erin!
I am very excited to tell you that I won your beautiful painting give away on Kelee and Oliver's blog, The Kattillac Shack! I am so thrilled! It's absolutely beautiful and will make me smile each time I see it. Thank you so much! I can't wait to blog about the painting when I receive it and of course I'll link to you.
I love all the red touches you've added to the exterior of your lovely home. It looks so cheerful!
Warm regards, Pat
The red is perfect with the gray, Erin! Your garden always looks lovely no matter what.
Happy Weekend!
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