Welcome. I am so glad that you stopped by. Are you as ready for fall as I am? My summer garden is beginning to fade and I am anxious to plant fall colors and get out my scarecrows. I found a great buy on mums at Target - just $1.25 per pot in lovely Autumn colors. Take a little break and let's look around for inspiration for a fall Welcome garden sign we can paint together.
Looks like Bentley, my studio assistant, has already started looking for inspiration. I love to plant seasonal flowers in pots for an "instant" change from Summer to Fall.
Finding Inspiration . . . . .
Let's get started. I paint my outdoor signs on canvas, however, they can be painted on anything - old barn wood - wood placks can be purchased from Michael's and are great to paint on.
First I sketched a scarecrow on canvas. I thought it would be fun to add black crows for a touch of fall. You are welcome to copy my drawing. First sketch the word WELCOME - that way you will know how much room you have for your drawing. I like to use an 8X10 canvas - you can paint your sign any size.
Next paint straw hair and hands and add sunflowers or whatever you want to surround your scarecrow. I painted black crows since they are easy birds for beginners. Your painting will last longer outside if you use a few coats of satin varnish on your finished painting (make sure your use a type that does not yellow).
Here is the completed sign hanging on a little picket fence just waiting to WELCOME guests.
I am so glad that you stopped by my bog. Your comments mean so much to me and I sincerely apprecite that you have taken time to visit , leave me a comment and to follow my blog. If you have any questions or would like to see my paint something special, please leave me a comment or send me an e-mail.
Have a lovely week. Blessings, Erin
Hi Erin,
What a charming blog you have. I live in California and would love to attend one of your art shows.
Hello Erin!
You've inspired me to try to do some miniature art for my dollhouse!
I put up a link to your blog today.
Right now I'm just playing with watercolors and colored pencils.
I would love to try acrylics too.
Thanks so much for showing us how your make your beautiful paintings!
Hi to Bentley too!
Oh how cute! I love your bargain scarecrows, but I especially love your painting. Bentley is such a precious assistant. laurie
I always enjoy my visits to your delightful blog. It is such a happy place. Bentley is just adorable and your painting is so cute. You make it look so easy.
What an adorable fall welcome sign. It's nice you can have one for each and every season. I am looking forward to your Winter sign..and Christmas!!
Thanks so much for stopping by. I love it when you come to see me.
xo bj
Hi Erin,
Wonderful sign, I love it...love your fall flowers as well.
I planted some mums a couple of weeks ago to replace some fading impatiens I had.
Happy fall and keep up the beautiful work.
Hi Erin
Your garden looks so festive for fall. I love the scarecrows! I am having a welcome fall party on Tuesday the first day of fall. I'd love it if you'd join in. You can just link to this post. It's perfect!
((hugs)) Rhondi
Your garden looks so beautiful! I love the mums, (wish our Target carried plants!) and the painting hung on the fence is perfect:>)So cheery and richly colorful. It makes me want to go redo my garden!
Hi Erin,
Your garden is so lovely and I can see how you find all of your inspiration there. Bently is ADORABLE....I love him! Your welcome sign is so perfect for fall.
Hi Erin,
You always bring a smile to my face with your beautiful paintings and your preparations. I just love seeing how you go from beginning to end. Fall is slowing creeping in here in the southern Virginia coast but I am hoping for a long warm fall. xo, suzy
This is so cute! I actually painted a couple of Halloween pictures last week and am quite happy with them. It felt wonderful to be painting again!!
p.s. Tell Bentley that he does a great job!
Hi Erin,
I love the sign! Bentley did a good job finding your inspiration. I'm inspired now to make something!
Hi Erin,
I love the scarecrow welcome canvas. Now I'm telling you, that is one skinny-legged scarecrow sitting in the white chair! He's too cute. Pet Bentley for me, he's just adorable. Do folks who live in California paint snowmen??
Hey Erin, me again. I have a question, do you paint with acrylics or oil? Just curious. One of these days I'm going to try to follow your "tutorial" for one of your gorgeous paintings!
Hi Erin
I think that was you who signed up for my fall party # 8 on the list. Well I don't know what went wrong but it didn't conect to you so I did it for you and now you are #38.
I didn't want people to miss your beautiful blog!
((hugs)) Rhondi
Hi Erin and Happy First Day of Fall! Oh, I must say I'm in love with little Bentley! What a charmer. I'm so glad you have such a cute helper. I love all your precious outdoors fallness! Love those little paintings too.
be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Stopping by from the Fall Party. I am in love with Bentley!!! I bet he is a great assistant!! LOVE all your beautiful pictures and the painting is wonderful. Everything looks so GREAT!
your garden looks ready for fall. Love the autumn garden!
Hello and Happy Fall
Thank you for a very inspirational post
Your sign is darling!
Hi, it's me again. I wanted to come back ang look a second time at your beautiful garden...well, really, I wanted to look at Bentley again!! lol He is so so adorable.
Thanks for stopping by today..this party has been fun. NOW...I just KNOW someone will do a HALLOWEEN Party of some kind...I don't have many decos for one, but, I could come up with a few cheap things, surely!!:O)
Erin, how do you do it? You make everything look stunning! I just love to visit you and Bentley.
Erin...what a sweet Fall display! I loved all of it. And just the right touch of whimsy with your little scarecrows. I'm looking for just the right one..but so far..nothing. :)
Everything looks great!! :)
Garden and the signs are great. Bailey is the cutest.
hi Erin, everything looks os cute ! And what a cute doggie you have !
My first time to your blog, it's wonderful! Love your paintings, and the pictures of Bentley!
Enjoyed seeing your fall decor!
Great welcome to Fall! You have inspired me to get out to my potting shed and add some Fall touches.
Bentley looks like a sweetheart too!
Thank you for sharing.
Very sweet post, Erin ! I love your pup !
Hugs ~ Kammy
Hi Erin, wonderful and creative pics. I love your doggie.
Happy Fall.
Barb :-)
Your garden looks lovely and what a sweet dog. He looks a lot like my grand dog.
I love your paintings!
What a delightful garden!
Looks like all your hard work paid off and BENTLY is sooo darling.
This is my first time here but not the last for sure.
If you get a chance please stop by and say hi!
TTFN~~Claudia ♥ ♥
Your Paintings are so bright and uplifting, I love that! I enjoy visiting your blog it is so cheerful. Lori
What charming fall decorations. Happy Fall!
That is such a cute sign! I'll have to see if I can do something like that to give to my daughter.
Hello Erin and that dapper studio assistant Bently,
How adorable he is, always looking for inspiration, just like a well-paid studio assistant does...lol...and I can certainly tell he is well loved.
This is my first time to your beautiful blog and I am here to say THANK YOU...even though there is a card in the mail to you.
I am Debbie, Amy's mother. You painted the sweetest, very pretty painting of the pink bicycle with the flower basket. Amy loved the painting and since it arrived, at least one time a day, we imagine all the places that our bicycle has taken us to!
I love your beautiful blog and your eye for stunning colors.
Thank you for sharing with Amy about Bentley and the battle you won against cancer. PRAISE THE LORD!
Your scarecrows are so cute and all your signs and sharing how you painted your scarecrow. It was so relaxing here. I love...love... love....the painting with the eiffel tower but love the painting of the table with the red/yellow tablecloth.....you are sooooo talented.
I didn't see a button that would promote your blog and I would love to place one for you on my blog....I would love to invite you to join my blog and I didn't see that you had a place for followers......any who...I will be following your beautiful blog
Have a lovely week end and give Bentley a hug
angel hugs
Planting is very good hobby.I love to do.Thanks for doing it there.
How to make a website
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