Welcome. Please take a stroll around my neighborhood and enjoy the summer flowers while I am taking a vacation and blog break. I will be painting the beautiful California lavender fields and when I return we will paint lavender bouquets together.

I hope you enjoyed your stroll. Thank you for visiting. Your comments mean so much to me and I sincerely appreciate that you have taken time to leave me a comment and follow my blog. If you have any questions or would like to see me paint something special, please leave me a comment of send me an e-mail. Have a lovely week and wonderful summer and I will see you in a week.
Blessings, Erin
I loved all the photos & what a beautiful neighborhood you live in! ☺ Diane
What a beautiful neighborhood you live in and what fun to walk around and see all that beauty.
Your work and your eye view are just wonderful! Great being here.
Oh my gosh, such beautiful photos, I am lover of gardening and its so fun to share and see what other peoples gardens look like.
Hi Erin! The pictures are just beautiful. There's never any mistaking a California garden. I guess y'all just have the best weather.
What gorgeous neighborhood... you are blessed! Wish I would live in a place where flower and so much natural beauty abounds... ;) Come meet the house in the roses...
Erin, I so loved taking the tour of your neighborhood...just some gorgeous gardens to be seen. Thanks for sharing.
The blue garden gate photo is just gorgeous! It sort of reminds me of European pictures. You capture just the right image, and it is always a joy to look at your pictures! Have a wonderful vacation!!!
You have captured some real beauty here, Erin. I was in CA a few short months ago and miss seeing the abundant flowers everywhere.
:-) Sue
Thanks for the tour! All of the roses are beautiful!
The neighborhood is beautiful! Have you seen the pictures of my pitiful yard? I've about given up trying to grow anything with the deer around.
Have a great week!
Erin, it looks like your 3 digit temps haven't hurt the flowers in your neighborhood! :-)
Hello Erin; What gorgeous amazingly beautiful garden photos... What a lovely place to be and walk.. thanks of sharing them..
Have a good week.
Your neighborhood looks like an artist's dream! So much beautiful inspiration! Hope you have a wonderful trip. laurie
Wow!! Erin!! What a beautiful blog you are creating, I just KNEW it would be this gorgeous. Congratulations on having one of your pieces featured in Cottages & Bungalows Magazine. It's just beautiful.
xo Lidy
Thanks for taking us on a walk with you around your neighborhood, the flowers are just beautiful, I love all the looks of lavender that you found. A good post and I will be back often. Sharon K
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