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Saturday, January 3, 2009

Making Changes in 2009

I am back from taking a break.

Happy 2009 to all of you. I took a little blog break to make some changes and simplify my life to create more time to pursue my love of painting and closed my retail shop at Debra's Cottage. I will still be involved with Debra's by painting commission art for her customers and blogging about her fabulous shop. There will always be a part of me in her adorable shop as she plans to continue to use the cottage I painted for her as the banner on her website and on her packaging and store labels.

One of my favorite sayings is one I learned from well known decorator and author Kitty Barthlomew. (http://kittybartholomew.com/) - -" It's Not what you don't have, but what you do with what you do have". This year I plan to re-decorate my home on a budget by using what I already have and "re-purposing" my furniture and art. My decorating style is Cottage Garden with a bit of Shabby Country French thrown in.

A recent Home tour of the cottages on Balboa Island (a tiny island located on the Newport Bay about 2 miles from my home) inspired me to turn a cottage garden painting in my home into a "seaside" cottage garden painting and to add Seaside to my Cottage Garden style.

Come along with me for a little tour of some of the darling cottages which were my inspiration for a Seaside Cottage Garden Painting.

Finding Inspiration . . . . . . .
Balboa Pavilion - a 100 year old Landmark building on the water in Newport Beach, CA . A short ferry ride from Newport Beach to Balboa Island Here . . . .

There . . . . .

Everywhere . . . . .

Original cottage garden style painting with a window in the background, green watering can and large terracotta pot.

After the Home tour inspiration I decided to make some changes to the painting to give it a Seaside Cottage Garden feel - I painted out the window in the center - removed the large tera cotta pot, added flags to one of the pots and started painting the green watering can red. Next I painted in a blue sky and ocean and sail boats to change the Cottage Garden look to a Seaside Cottage Garden.

Here is the completed painting with changes hanging on the wall in my living room with a totally different look and feel.


FrenchGardenHouse said...

Hi Erin, Happy New Year!! Love the tour, I always love to go there to be inspired, each and every cottage (and mansion!) looks so great. Hope you have a wonderful year ahead, filled with joy and love and inspiration. Love your blog, such a happy place to visit.
xo Lidy

Anonymous said...

Hi Erin - love the tour of Balboa Island and love what you are doing for the New Year - "its what you do with what you do have" is a wonderful way to start the year.

Ruth Welter said...

Hi Erin, ow, I love your painting...it is gorgeous. Love the background of the beautiful ocean. I find water very inspiring as well....I was thinking about painting an ocean scene on an egg.

So very beautiful and thanks as well for the lovely tour.


Anonymous said...

Hi Erin,

I love your new painting. I once took 300 photos of doors, gates, windows and cottages on Balboa Island as I love it there so much--I have a photo of that same blue gate! (Great minds think alike!) Can I go on the house tour with you next time and we will go to tea afterwards? Much happiness in your 2009 repurposing. It's the best way to decorate in my opinion. Love, Kathryn

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love your idea of redecorating with things you have and taking inspiration from something you love! Great ideas for the New year! Happy New Year to you and thanks for sharing your wonderful ideas. You have the advantage of being artistic and having your own beautiful art to enhance your home! Love it all!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Dear Erin!! I so enjoyed the tour and your painting is delightful...oh to have your talent! May this year bring you dreams come true and much joy!

Donna said...

Hi Erin,
Happy New Year!

You have a lovely home and the painting you "redid" is wonderful. I love the colors you use, so bright and happy.

Balboa Island looks like a great place to spend the day.
