Friday, October 30, 2015

Painting Fall Pansies

Welcome.  I am so happy that you stopped by.  My garden gate is always open for you to come in and sit and relax with a cup of tea while I share with you the inspirations for my art.  The weather is perfect to plant Fall Pansies - cool nights and warm days.  I have been extra busy getting ready for another art show next week and have missed posting for you.  Let's join Bentley, My Studio Assistant. to look for Pansies to paint for the show.

I love using one of my ladders to display the Pansies when the start trailing down the sides of their post.

I came up with a new line of small 3x3 paintings called "Joyful Greetings"  for the art show and used the Pansy blooms as inspirations for the first test ones.

Thank you for sopping by.  I sincerely appreciate your visits, e-mails, comments and those following my blog.  I hope to start back with my weekly posts in a few weeks as I will be done with art shows for the year.

Have a lovely week.  Blessings,  Erin

                   "Happy is the one who listens to me, watching daily at my gates."  Proverbs 8:34

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Whimsical "Yarn Bombing" at Sherman Gardens

Welcome.  I am so happy that you stopped by.  Today I am taking you with me to the Sherman Library and Gardens where we will have a glass of ice tea in their beautiful Tea Garden shown in the photo above.  I am participating in their first Artisan Fair and Art Show in November and my space will be located in the Tea Garden.  I went to take photos of my space so I can start working on my booth and it turned out they are having a fun and whimsical "yarn bombing" exhibit throughout the garden and I knew that you would enjoy going with me.

The library and gardens are located on 2.2 acres in Newport Beach on the Pacific Coast Highway a short distance from the Pacific Ocean.

The yarn bombed wheelbarrow greets visitors and was created by volunteers in the community and the exhibit represents hundreds of hours of labor and miles of yarn.

There are gardens filled with native, exotic, and desert plants with patios, conservatories and shade structures.They serve delicious food at the lovely Cafe Jardin and Tea Garden Creperie, and afternoon tea  in the gardens by reservations only.

             The entrance to one of the shade structures was the beginning of the yarn bombing.

          One of the whimsical Pelicans made from drift wood and shells greets you.

                                Tropical Palm trees grow through the shade structures.

The volunteers call themselves "Yarn Bombing Bandits" and their agenda is to bridge the generational divide, support community art and remind the world that without plants, we cannot knit, breathe, eat, or live!  Their  charming "bandit" photos are posted throughout the garden.

Humor is a major component of yarn bombing, which by its nature embodies contradictory idiosyncrasies within itself.

Thank you for stopping by.   I hope you enjoyed your little whimsical yarn bomb tour. I sincerely appreciate your visits, e-mails, comments and those following my blog.

I am busy painting lots of new small paintings to show at the Artisan Fair in November and will be poping in from time to time to share some of my new small works.

Have a lovely week.   Blessings, Erin

"When you walk, they will lead you; when you lie down, they will watch over you."  Proverbs 6:22