Saturday, February 20, 2010

Painting Red Roses

Welcome. I am so happy that you stopped by. Are you having more crazy weather where you live? We seem to go from one extreme to another in Southern California and have gone from having beautiful sunny days to heavy rain , flash flood watches in the burn areas to being notified that we are on a "Mild Tsunami" watch today in our coastal areas where I live. Would you like to take a little break from the weather and join me for a cup of nice hot tea? I bought some beautiful red roses that were marked down because they were supposed to be past their prime - even though they looked perfect for me to paint.

Looks like Bentley, my helpful studio assistant, has stopped to smell the roses.

The red roses inspired me to start thinking about Spring, Spring cleaning and re purposing one of my bedrooms. I love using "what I do have and not what I do not have" and decided to create a painting that would harmonize with my favorite Ralph Lauren floral fabric - white with red roses and little blue flowers. I am looking for an old iron head board - in the meantime until I find one I hung up a ribbon with seashells for a temporary head board.

The fabric that inspired the rose painting.

Close up of one of the rose that was "past its prime".

When setting up to paint outside ( in between the rains) I used silk hydrangeas since mine are not in bloom and added a little rusty garden bird.

I love roses when they are fully open and the petals are falling off.

Garden bird.

Blue hydrangeas, roses and Bird.

The completed rose painting.

Thank you for stopping by my blog. I love hearing from you and sincerely appreciate your visits, comments, and those of you who follow my blog. Please leave me a comment or send me an e-mail if you have any questions or want to see my paint something special.

Have a lovely week. Blessings, Erin

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Flower Shoppe Inspirations

Welcome. I am so happy you stopped by. Would you like to take a little trip with me and visit one of my favorite local flower shoppes ? I would love to share with you the inspiration for my paintings. We had a wonderful break from the rain in Southern California last weekend - the sun was shining - the sky was blue and the flowers were glorious and I was thinking about Spring flowers.

Let's take Bentley for a walk to Blooms Flower Shoppe and look for inspiration.

Finding inspiration . . . .

Here . . . . .

There . . . .

Everywhere . . . . .

Thank you for visiting my blog. I love hearing from you and sincerely appreciate your visits, comments and those who are following my blog. If you have any questions or would like to see me paint something special, please leave me a comment or send me an e-mail.

Have a lovely week. Blessings, Erin